A RegistryRipper Walk through...
This article illustrates how to use Harlan Carvey's powerful RegistryRipper tool set to answer the questions in the NIST sample Hacking Case (Ref. http://www.cfreds.nist.gov/Hacking_Case.html). Being a long time Linux user and now a Mac user I thought that this would be a great learning exercise to introduce some basic command line foo and forensic investigation by answering the questions presented by this challenge. These are my notes... I hope you can learn something from them.Getting Started
Acquire the images and perform hashing/check sum on each as well as the assembled image. To download the images, I ran a FOR loop which took several hours to complete:$ for i in {1..8}; do curl http://www.cfreds.nist.gov/images/hacking-dd/SCHARDT.00$i -o SCHARDT.00$i; doneAppend the image parts into one large image for analysis:
$ for i in `ls SCHARDT.00*`; do cat $i >> SCHARDT.img; doneGenerate MD5 check sums of all disk images:
$ for i in `ls SCHARDT.*`; do md5 $i >> $i.md5; doneAt this point I have a working copy of the forensic image. To get started with RegistryRipper on OS X there are a few tweaks that I have implemented to make life easier.
Tweaks and Prerequisites
In the next series of steps a few prerequisite changes are made and then I describe the steps that I used to use rip.pl in a batch mode to process all the registry hives with their respective plugins. The output from each "rip" is then appended to a single report from which most of the questions in this challenge can be answered. Change the Perl interpreter path on the first line of rip.pl to /usr/bin/perl (being that this was developed on windows Mr. Carvey preference is Windows centric) Install the required Win32Registry module from CPANcpan> install Parse::Win32RegistryGenerate a CSV of all the available plugins - take a few minutes to browse these and become familiar with their descriptions:
rip.pl -l -c > plugins.csvThen generate a list of plugins by type, e.g. SECURITY, SYSTEM, SOFTWARE
awk -F, '{print $3, $1}' < plugins.csv | sortGenerate a distinct list of plugin Hive Types
awk '{print $1}' < plugins.sorted.txt | uniq All NTUSER.DAT SAM Security Software SystemGenerate a listing of plugins by type so that one can automate/script rip.pl plugins by hive type:
for i in `cat list`; do grep ^$i plugins.sorted.txt | awk '{print $2}' >> hive.plugin.$i; doneThis results in the following files being created:
$ wc -l hive.plugin.* 1 hive.plugin.All 40 hive.plugin.NTUSER.DAT 1 hive.plugin.SAM 1 hive.plugin.Security 30 hive.plugin.Software 31 hive.plugin.System
Registry Parsing
On my mbp I review and then mount the image with the hdiutil command which places the volume under "/Volumes/Untitled\ 1":hdiutil imageinfo SCHARDT.img hdiutil attach -readonly SCHARDT.imgCopy all the registry hives from the image to the current working directory:
$ cp /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/WINDOWS/system32/config/software . $ cp /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/WINDOWS/system32/config/SECURITY . $ cp /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/WINDOWS/system32/config/SAM . $ cp /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/WINDOWS/system32/config/system . $ cp /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/Documents\ and\ Settings/Mr.\ Evil/NTUSER.DAT .Generate a massive report by concatenating rip.pl output for each hive. Here I have generated a wrapper script to call each 'for' loop for the respective plugin groups:
$ cat run.rip.sh #!/bin/bash for i in `cat hive.plugin.Software`; do echo plugin $i >> report.regripper.txt; rip.pl -r evidence/registry/software -p $i>> report.regripper.txt;done for i in `cat hive.plugin.Security`; do echo plugin $i >> report.regripper.txt; rip.pl -r evidence/registry/SECURITY -p $i>> report.regripper.txt;done for i in `cat hive.plugin.System`; do echo plugin $i >> report.regripper.txt; rip.pl -r evidence/registry/system -p $i>> report.regripper.txt;done for i in `cat hive.plugin.NTUSER.DAT`; do echo plugin $i >> report.regripper.txt; rip.pl -r evidence/registry/NTUSER.DAT -p $i>> report.regripper.txt;doneThe result of the above is a file with over 3800 lines of rip.pl plugin output.
Questions and Answers
1. What is the image hash? Does the acquisition and verification hash match?All the parts concatenated together result in one image with hashes
MD5 (SCHARDT.img) = aee4fcd9301c03b3b054623ca261959a2. What operating system was used on the computer?
By visual inspection of the file system it appears to be Windows XP, but what version? RegRipper helps out here:
$ ./rip.pl -r /Volumes/Untitled/WINDOWS/system32/config/software -p winver Launching winver v.20081210 ProductName = Microsoft Windows XP InstallDate = Thu Aug 19 22:48:27 20043. When was the install date?
Searching the report generated by the run.rip.sh script for keyword "install" or if you knew from experience that this can be found in the plugin winnt_cv then you would find the install date:
InstallDate = Thu Aug 19 22:48:27 2004In EDT that would be Thu Aug 19 17:48:27 2004
4. What is the timezone settings?
$ ./rip.pl -r /Volumes/Untitled/WINDOWS/system32/config/system -p timezone Launching timezone v.20080324 TimeZoneInformation key ControlSet001\Control\TimeZoneInformation LastWrite Time Thu Aug 19 17:20:02 2004 (UTC) DaylightName -> Central Daylight Time StandardName -> Central Standard Time Bias -> 300 (6 hours) ActiveTimeBias -> 360 (5 hours)5. Who is the registered owner?
The registry keys are:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwnerThe output from winnt_cv shows that a name "Greg Schardt" is registered as the owner
6. What is the computer account name?
Output from plugin compname reveals this:
ComputerName = N-1A9ODN6ZXK4LQ7. What is the primary domain name?
Note, the answer I found differs from the answer published by NIST.
DefaultDomainName = N-1A9ODN6ZXK4LQ8. When was the last recorded computer shutdown date/time?
ShutdownTime = Fri Aug 27 15:46:33 2004 (UTC), Fri Aug 27 10:46:33 (CST)9. How many accounts are recorded (total number)?
$ rip.pl -r evidence/registry/SAM -p samparse | grep Username Launching samparse v.20080415 Username : Administrator [500] Username : Guest [501] Username : HelpAssistant [1000] Username : SUPPORT_388945a0 [1002] Username : Mr. Evil [1003]So that would be 5 total.
10. What is the account name of the user who mostly uses the computer?
Mr. Evil
11. Who was the last user to logon to the computer?
Path : %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil SID : S-1-5-21-2000478354-688789844-1708537768-1003 LastWrite : Fri Aug 27 15:46:23 2004 (UTC) LoadTime : Fri Aug 27 15:08:24 2004 (UTC)
12. A search for the name of “Greg Schardt” reveals multiple hits. One of these proves that Greg Schardt is Mr. Evil and is also the administrator of this computer. What file is it? What software program does this file relate to?
Looking at the mounted file system simply grepping for the name yields some results:
$ grep -ir "Greg Schardt" * Program Files/Look@LAN/irunin.ini:%REGOWNER%=Greg Schardt Program Files/Look@LAN/irunin.ini:%USERNAME%=Greg Schardt WINDOWS/Look@LAN Setup Log.txt:Value data = Greg SchardtGrep for "Greg Schardt" shows that the file irunin.ini matches twice and shows that the name "Greg Schardt" was entered as the Registered Owner and Username when installing the Look@LAN software
13. List the network cards used by this computer
plugin networkcards NetworkCards Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards Xircom CardBus Ethernet 100 + Modem 56 (Ethernet Interface) [Thu Aug 19 17:07:19 2004] Compaq WL110 Wireless LAN PC Card [Fri Aug 27 15:31:44 2004]14. This same file reports the IP address and MAC address of the computer. What are they?
%LANIP%= %LANNIC%=0010a4933e0915. An internet search for vendor name/model of NIC cards by MAC address can be used to find out which network interface was used. In the above answer, the first 3 hex characters of the MAC address report the vendor of the card. Which NIC card was used during the installation and set-up for LOOK@LAN?
http://www.wireshark.org/tools/oui-lookup.html shows that 0010a4 is registered to 00:10:A4 Xircom.
16. Find 6 installed programs that may be used for hacking.
Looking at the contents of "Program Files" provides some insight:
1. Look@LAN
2. Cain
3. Network Stumbler
4. mIRC
5. Ethereal/Wireshark
6. 123WASP
17. What is the SMTP email address for Mr. Evil?
/Volumes/Untitled 1/Program Files/Agent/Data/AGENT.INI:SMTPUserName="whoknowsme@sbcglobal.net"18. What are the NNTP (news server) settings for Mr. Evil?
NewsServer="news.dallas.sbcglobal.net"Found using grep:
$ grep --color=auto -ir "News.dallas.sbcglobal.net" * Binary file Documents and Settings/Mr. Evil/Local Settings/Application Data/Identities/{EF086998-1115-4ECD-9B13-9ADC067B4929}/Microsoft/Outlook Express/Folders.dbx matches Program Files/Agent/Data/AGENT.INI:NewsServer="news.dallas.sbcglobal.net"19. What two installed programs show this information?
Forte Agent 1.9 Release
Outlook Express
20. List 5 newsgroups that Mr. Evil has subscribed to?
In the OE data folder for Mr. Evil we find:
/Volumes/Untitled/Documents and Settings/Mr. Evil/Local Settings/Application Data/Identities/{EF086998-1115-4ECD-9B13-9ADC067B4929}/Microsoft/Outlook Express $ ls -al *.dbx | awk '{print $NF}' Items.dbx Folders.dbx Inbox.dbx Offline.dbx Outbox.dbx alt.2600.cardz.dbx alt.2600.codez.dbx alt.2600.crackz.dbx alt.2600.dbx alt.2600.hackerz.dbx alt.2600.moderated.dbx alt.2600.phreakz.dbx alt.2600.programz.dbx alt.binaries.hacking.beginner.dbx alt.binaries.hacking.computers.dbx alt.binaries.hacking.utilities.dbx alt.binaries.hacking.websites.dbx alt.dss.hack.dbx alt.hacking.dbx alt.nl.binaries.hack.dbx alt.stupidity.hackers.malicious.dbx free.binaries.hackers.malicious.dbx free.binaries.hacking.beginner.dbx free.binaries.hacking.computers.dbx free.binaries.hacking.talentless.troll-haven.dbx free.binaries.hacking.talentless.troll_haven.dbx free.binaries.hacking.utilities.dbx free.binaries.hacking.websites.dbxGives us a concise list of dbx files, obviously Items, Folders, Inbox, Offline, and Outbox are not valid News Group files. The remaining *.dbx files are plainly recognizable as News groups.
21. A popular IRC (Internet Relay Chat) program called MIRC was installed. What are the user settings that was shown when the user was online and in a chat channel?
mirc.ini section labeled [mirc] shows the following descriptive information that is created when mIRC is installed (line numbers added for reference):
166 [mirc] 167 user=Mini Me 168 email=none@of.ya 169 nick=Mr 170 anick=mrevilrulez 171 host=Undernet: US, CA, LosAngelesSERVER:losangeles.ca.us.undernet.org:6660GROUP:Undernet22. This IRC program has the capability to log chat sessions. List 3 IRC channels that the user of this computer accessed.
IRC chat logs are stored under directory 'logs' by default, the log files found on this image are:
#Chataholics.UnderNet.log #CyberCafe.UnderNet.log #Elite.Hackers.UnderNet.log #ISO-WAREZ.EFnet.log #LuxShell.UnderNet.log #evilfork.EFnet.log #funny.UnderNet.log #houston.UnderNet.log #mp3xserv.UnderNet.log #thedarktower.AfterNET.log #ushells.UnderNet.log m5tar.UnderNet.log23. Ethereal, a popular “sniffing” program that can be used to intercept wired and wireless internet packets was also found to be installed. When TCP packets are collected and re-assembled, the default save directory is that users \My Documents directory. What is the name of the file that contains the intercepted data?
Location: /Volumes/Untitled 1/Documents and Settings/Mr. Evil File: interception: tcpdump capture file (little-endian) - version 2.4 (Ethernet, capture length 65535)24. Viewing the file in a text format reveals much information about who and what was intercepted. What type of wireless computer was the victim (person who had his internet surfing recorded) using?
From the command line tshark shows the following:
$ tshark -R http.user_agent -Tfields -e http.user_agent -r evidence/interception Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320) ...(truncated list)...Viewing the HTTP headers in Wireshark shows the version number of Pocket PC:
UA-OS: Windows CE (Pocket PC) - Version 4.2025. What websites was the victim accessing?
The following produces a sorted/unique list of sites visited in the pcap:
$ tshark -R http.host -Tfields -e http.host -r interception | sort -u login.passport.com login.passport.net mobile.msn.com www.passportimages.com26. Search for the main users web based email address. What is it? The following reads the pcap and pipes the ASCII output to egrep looking for a pattern matching an email address:
$ tcpdump -r evidence/interception -A | egrep --color=auto "\w+([._-]\w)*@\w+([._-]\w)*\.\w{2,4}" findme69@hotmail.comHowever this turns out to be the incorrect answer when compared to the official solutions... searching the file system in a similar manner yields the correct answer:
$ egrep -rohI "\w+([._-]\w)*@\w+([._-]\w)*\.\w{2,4}" * >> email.found.txt wc -l email.found.txt 81 email.found.txtCreate a distinct/sorted list of email addresses list.txt
$ cat email.found.txt | sort -u >> list.txtLoop through the distinct list of email addresses and count the matches in the email.found.txt file. The resulting contains a line with the email address and the number of times it was found in the email.found.txt file.
$ for i in `cat list.txt`; do echo -n $i: >> email.counts.txt; grep -ic $i email.found.txt >> email.counts.txt; doneSort the email.counts.txt file in reverse order, by general numeric, use the ":" character to delimit fields, finally sort on the second field which is the address count. This will produce output of all the email address counts sorted in descending order.
$ cat email.counts.txt | sort -r -g -t: -k2 mrevilrulez@yahoo.com:12 info@mosnews.com:6 jim@mcmahon.cc:4 webmaster@2600.com:3 fred@wardriving.com:3 PASSCODE@HOTMAIL.COM:3 PASSADMINBOT@HOTMAIL.COM:3 HERE@HOTMAIL.COM:3 suckme@oyea.lick:2 slim532@hotmail.com:2 drudge@drudgereport.com:2 a30aac9@posting.goog:2 Rating@Mail.ru:2 DRUDGE@DRUDGEREPORT.COM:2 tmt3i0tnq18gm819ecv27r73vm6hnoddcn@4ax.com:1 teandson@aol.com:1 seabach@shaw.ca:1 president@whitehouse.gov:1 nightwolf@confine.com:1 mauddib@dune.com:1 mailbot@yahoo.com:1 logaritmo50@yahoo.com:1 logaritmo50@hotmail.com:1 jfoster3@ec.rr:1 img4i0lqhsh6n7hlqth96lfd5jd1acjrh9@4ax.com:1 hp01@mailadded.com:1 heyjude18@hotmail.com:1 hacked@2600.com:1 frisco@blackant.net:1 dqbug010mo29ufsbo4dq491vvihucqfh69@4ax.com:1 corenode01a@yahoo.remo:1 chris@splitinfinity.com:1 chillen@hoo.com:1 cathomas@msn.com:1 beatnik@mail.gr:1 T50admin@usa.net:1 LmT@marijuana.com:1 9a64i0p9vk73bpmnq4s40iq6asem5k80er@4ax.com:1 5_@_Warez.com_:1 123@123.com:1 10237466@twister.sout:1mrevilrulez@yahoo.com appears 12 times... more than any of the other addresses found.
27. Yahoo mail, a popular web based email service, saves copies of the email under what file name?
launch[1].htm28. How many executable files are in the recycle bin?
Dc1.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit Dc2.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit Dc3.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit Dc4.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit29. Are these files really deleted?
30. How many files are actually reported to be deleted by the file system?
$ ./recbin.pl /Volumes/Untitled\ 1/RECYCLER/S-1-5-21-2000478354-688789844-1708537768-1003/INFO2 1 Wed Aug 25 16:18:25 2004 C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil\Desktop\lalsetup250.exe 2 Fri Aug 27 15:12:30 2004 C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil\Desktop\netstumblerinstaller_0_4_0.exe 3 Fri Aug 27 15:15:26 2004 C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil\Desktop\WinPcap_3_01_a.exe 4 Fri Aug 27 15:29:58 2004 C:\Documents and Settings\Mr. Evil\Desktop\ethereal-setup-0.10.6.exe31. Perform a Anti-Virus check. Are there any viruses on the computer? I cheated and ran the mounted file system on another Windows VM running ClamAV (before I discovered http://www.clamxav.com/). Several nasty items found!
ClamAV reports: Scan Started Thu Oct 01 18:21:05 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Y:\My Documents\COMMANDS\enum.exe: Hacktool.EnumPlus FOUND Y:\My Documents\COMMANDS\snitch.exe: Trojan.PSW.Snitch.11 FOUND Y:\My Documents\ENUMERATION\NT\enum\enum.tar.gz: Hacktool.EnumPlus FOUND Y:\My Documents\ENUMERATION\NT\enum\files\enum.exe: Hacktool.EnumPlus FOUND Y:\My Documents\ENUMERATION\NT\ntreskit.zip: W32.Nemo FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\Brutus\BrutusA2.exe: Virtool.Brutus FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\brutus.zip: Virtool.Brutus FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\Get Admin\GetAdmin.exe: Exploit.WinNT.GetAdmin.B FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\netbus\NetBus170.zip: Trojan.Netbus.KeyHook170 FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\sechole\SECHOLE.EXE: Trojan.W32.Sehole.A FOUND Y:\My Documents\EXPLOITATION\NT\sechole\sechole3.zip: Trojan.W32.Sehole.A FOUND ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 625565 Engine version: 0.95.2 Scanned directories: 766 Scanned files: 10879 Infected files: 11 Data scanned: 2240.21 MB Data read: 1710.52 MB (ratio 1.31:1) Time: 778.843 sec (12 m 58 s) -------------------------------------- Completed --------------------------------------
Just out of curiosity, why did you choose to not run rip.pl with the "-f" switch?